Brain Injury

To address a brain injury in a client, my practice is to do a number of sessions using the therapies below to re-establish equilibrium, create ease, and improve function.

In these sessions (usually at least three) there are three primary areas of focus:

  • Prior injuries or tension patterns in the body
  • Fluid flow through the upper body, the neck and the head, and
  • Releasing the injury site.

The sessions begin with a brief evaluation while standing. This often includes gentle sound vibration therapy to refine the information obtained in the assessment.

Then, on the treatment table, to begin to release tension patterns underlying the brain injury, ZB and CST are used. Often this begins at the legs and includes hip joint releases and spinal segment releases. (Client is treated with their clothing on.)

An essential part of the first session is re-establishing proper fluid flow if there has been a significant jarring event in the body. This is done using Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT). In subsequent sessions the lymph system is re-assessed to ensure the flow patterns are being maintained.

At the neck, great care is taken to assess the tension patterns with the torso, within the neck and between then neck and the head. Then these are released. At the base of the skull, the cranial fluid exit routes are assessed and treated if it is needed. In particular, the ventricles (fluid filled regions within the brain) are assessed and treated.

Treatment of the injury site is done with either CST or Brain Release Therapies after the site is assessed manually.

Down regulation of the nervous system can be specifically addressed by treating the vagus nerve and its associated structures (gangia, nerve roots in the brain stem, and nerve associations within the brain -- with the eyes, the throat and related structures, the organs of the upper chest, and the digestive organs), two of the brain areas called the claustrum and locus ceruleus which interconnect the entire brain, the thalamus -- the main relay station of the brain, the limbic system, and the reticular alarm system. Down regulation can also be generally addressed by releasing the entire cranio-sacral system and by performing still points -- a gentle interruption of the cranial rhythmic rocking which allows it to reset itself.

I recommend committing to at least three sessions which occur either weekly or at least within a two or three week window to address the core areas as stated above.

I look forward to being a part of your recovery and wellness team!